Friday, December 25, 2009

I Bless the Rains Down in Africa

Currently playing around with writing out a story, its in its infant stages but I'm liking where its going.  It has Goblins in it so you know its good...

Finally got my ass into gear and started working on some stuff, just drawing out some sketches that will hopefully turn into 3D models soon.  Need to beef up the portfolio with some 3D work, as it is one of the disciplines I want to be able to master one day.

Just a few sketches I was just playing around with.  Goblins are fun to draw, their like little mongoloids.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome to see an update here! :D
    I like the goblin, he is pointy -and- sassy, so you know it's good. Are you going to make model sheets for these before you take them to 3D? If you have a concept sketch like this, then take it to a model sheet, then take that to 3D, you will be on fire!
    Look forward to seeing what you create here. Hope you are having an awesome break. :D
